The Best 10 Carpet Stain Removal Tips [Infographic]

Carpet Stain Removal Tips

As much as we may try to avoid it, we’re likely to get stains on our carpet from time to time. Whether you accidentally spill coffee on the floor or your kids spill juice when they try to pour it themselves, accidents are bound to happen. You need easy to follow stain removal tips that work. Having a handy list of stain removers for accidents can be really helpful to have around the house.

The tips below are perfect for nearly any stain you come across.

We listed below the top 10 techniques to remove common stains on your carpet.

Here are some helpful stain removal tips that can keep your floors in great condition for years to come.

1. The Detergent Solution Method

For this stain removal method, you use two spray bottles. One for cold water and the other for warm water and dishwashing liquid. Once you have a spray bottle filled with the right ingredients:

  • Spray the detergent mixture on a cloth
  • Rub the wet cloth on the stain
  • Spray the cloth with cold water
  • Use the cloth to rinse the detergent from the stain
  • Use paper towels to soak up the wet spot and cover the paper towel pile with a pot so the weight can lift more water from the stain overnight

Remove the pot and paper towels and after that fluff the damp air with your fingers to blend it with the rest of the carpet fibers. Let it air dry.

Great for: Coffee stains, tea stains, oil and sweat stains

2. Baking Soda

Use Baking Soda

To lift tough stains, and remove odors, sprinkle some baking soda on the stain a few minutes before you vacuum. Moreover, you may want to change your vacuum bag before cleaning the carpet to make sure your vacuum’s suction feature is picking up all the fine particles of baking soda around the stained area.

Use Club Soda to Combat Various Stains

You can also use Club Soda and salt to remove most stains. Use a clean cloth to blot the soda onto the stain. Then mix it with white vinegar after that spray it on the stain. Let it dry, after that the stain will evaporate.

Great for: Red wine stains

3. Enzyme Based Stain Remover

If you have a pet, your furry friend may leave urine or dirt stains you need a go-to stain removal method. When this happens, you can try a cleaning solution that contains enzymes. To ensure the stain is removed effectively follow these steps:

  • Spray the solution onto the stain
  • Use a dry cloth to work the cleaner into the area
  • Treat the stain with a damp cloth to rinse excess solution
  • Cover the area with the cloth overnight

Moreover, these cleaners are important for removing both stains and odors so your pet won’t damage the same area of the carpet over and over.

4. Wine Away

Wine Away is a special solution designed to lift wine stains. You should saturate the stain and leave the solution on the stain for a few minutes. Moreover, using a damp cloth, blot the stain – don’t scrub or rub too harshly. Once you can no longer see the stain, use a clean, dry cloth to remove the remaining solution from the carpet.

Perfect for: Red wine stains

5. Detergent, Vinegar Solution, Rubbing Alcohol

Fluff it Up With Vinegar

A combination of warm water, rubbins alcohol, dishwashing detergent, and vinegar is an effective stain remover for getting rid of stubborn stains like coffee. The alcohol can also be used for removing ink stain. To make this solution, you need:

  • A tablespoon of liquid dishwashing detergent
  • Atablespoon of white vinegar
  • Two cups of water (make sure the water is warm, but not too hot)
  • Rubbing Alcohol

Furthermore, dip a clean cloth into the mixture and dab it onto the stain. Apply the solution a little at a time and use a dry cloth to blot excess water. Repeat this until the stain is lifted from the area. Use the alcohol solution sparingly on garments with ink. Sponge the spot with cold water and gently blot the area until it’s dry.

Perfetc for: Ink stains, Coffee

6. Steam Cleaning Machine

If you have children, pets, or entertain often, you can use a carpet cleaning machine to remove stains. It’s best to purchase and definitely a worthwhile investment. It’s less costly than renting one regularly. Plus, you’ll have an on hand machine to deal with any type of stain when it happens.

Perfect for: General dirt and minor stain

7. Solvent

You can search your local grocery store or hardware store for a solvent solution that will lift the stain out. Or, you can use non-acetone nail polish remover for stains that won’t come up with detergent or vinegar. Remember to use a little gradually until the stain is removed. This solution works on getting any stain out of natural and synthetic carpets.

Perfect for: Grease spots and grass stains

8. Ammonia and Hydrogen Peroxide

Make Your Own Deep Cleanser

Ammonia is a great way to get rid of urine stains and odors. Also, be sure to dilute the ammonia with water before applying it to the stain.

Perfect for: Urine stains, blood stains

9. Ice Rub Method

Remove Gum with Ice

If you’re trying to remove wax stains, fill a plastic bag with ice and rub it across the stain to lift the wax. When the wax hardens, break it with a spatula and after that vacuum the particles. The objective here is to freeze the wax as much as possible so when it solidify it will come off easily.

Perfect for: Wax stains, lipstick stains

10. Fabric Softener

For cleaning maintenance and lifting a stain directly from carpets, mix fabric softener with hydrogen peroxide and dishwashing liquid. You can also spray this solution directly onto the effected areas. Fabric Softener is not just a low cost product but is also non-toxic that deodorizes and softens the carpet fibers.

Perfect for: Mud, armpit, grease stains and emergency spot stain remover

Best 10 Carpet Stain Removal Tips

Removing the toughest stains can be a hassle. When you have the right ingredients and process you can get any stain out. Removing stains using diy homemade stain remover methods can be very effective. Hopefully these tips will save yourself time and money while keeping your house in great condition.


This article on stain removers was published by Tim Summers from NO1 Carpet Cleaning Melbourne. If you liked this stain removal article please follow us on Faceboook & Twitter.